Friday, April 9, 2010

Blogger Meet Up

Allison from Green Dog Wine coordinated a blogger meet up last night at Johnny Mango's in Ohio City. It was my first meet up- so consider my cherry popped!

We had a fabulous time talking "blog", eating/drinking, and sharing life stories. Umm...can you say "yummy margaritas"? My head sure did today. Our server, Matt, was fabulous and treated us very well. We were a table of 11 very talkative and loud chicas, and we couldn't have been easy to handle with our outspoken personalities and separate checks. So for that...I thank you Matt.

No one in my life blogs. Some of my friends fake interest, and until two days ago "R" had never even seen my blog. Allison- your meet up inspired me to make him take a look. I wasn't kidding when I made the statement at our table that "It is awesome to be in the presence of people where it is socially acceptable to immediately whip out your camera as soon as your food arrives." Usually, "R" will say "Ugh, is that for the blog?" (the word blog in that statement is said with disdain). People just don't "get it" unless you do it. Hanging out with these lovely ladies was refreshing and much needed. I write this blog because I am passionate about Cleveland and what our fabulous independent restaurants are doing. To spend time with people who understand that passion and the pleasure that comes from writing a blog was just what the doctor ordered.

Looking forward to our May meet-up, and we'll all have to work on our "stories" to keep up with Monica On the Go!

Here's who was there:
Green Dog Wine
Cleveland's A Plum
Poise In Parma
Monica On The Go


  1. Jealous of your blogger meet up! If I lived in Cleveland I totally would have been there!

  2. It was so fun & so nice meeting you! I'm so sorry you got stuck sitting next to me & my big mouth!

  3. It was great to meet you! Your blog is fantastic, btw, can't wait to read more!!

  4. Ugh, I am such a loud mouth when I drink. I think I probably used up all my stories, hopefully! Looking forward to May's meetup.

  5. Great to meet all three of you too! Looking forward to May.

    Monica- Your stories were hysterical! We all just need to work on collecting a few of our own before the next meet-up. :)
