Monday, April 18, 2011

Excuses and Cheese

Yikes, it has been over a week since my last post. Reason: our home computer has completely zonked out, it's on the fritz, kapooey, get the point. I've been itching to get back to blogging, so I finally hauled my old college laptop out of storage and it will just have to do until we replace our laptop. But, ahhhhh...this feels good. I've had several dining adventures since I last left you, and I may have lost content for three that were waiting to be drafted when the computer died (still waiting to see if files can be saved), so I am certainly not short of content. But for the first post back, I just wanted to leave you with this...Cheese. Glorious Cheese. Yes, that is 14 different kinds of cheese, and they were a result of L'Albatros Brasserie's famous cheese service. Brandon is a God. He floats over to your table like out of a dream with a tray just full of more cheeses than you could imagine, and talks you through each kind as you make your selection. When he heard of our love for goat, cheddar, and bleu...he even added a few additional cheese "from the back" that he knew we would enjoy. I can't even begin to tell you all of the different cheeses that we sampled, but we thoroughly loved almost all of them so that is a testament to how well Brandon knows his sh*t...I mean, cheese.

This was all that was left...Well, that and happy tastebuds and bellies. This was my first time enjoying L'Albatros' cheeses, but it certainly wasn't the last. Go forth and cheese, my friends!


  1. I love Brandon and yes, he is the cheese God I pray to. Check out my New Years Eve review at The House Mouse.

  2. I believe it was 15 cheeses! We are awesome.

  3. I love cheese.
    I really need to go there and experience this cheesy goodness first hand.

  4. Next time I go to L'Albatros I am getting the cheese. I have seen the board and had a sample after asking about it, but wine and cheese is calling my name.

  5. I'm still dreaming of all the cheese. I just wish we could have left with a list of what all we had. Though the one covered in raisins was made for dessert.

  6. If anyone ever wants a cheese buddy- I'm in! Serisouly, don't miss this unique opportunity for cheese lovers in Cleveland. L'Albatros has found a way to my heart. Even though I still hate their white plastic chairs!
