Monday, January 23, 2012

Thank You!

Thank you for all of your kind words through blog comments, tweets, and Facebook posts about the new blog design. I'm happy with it, and I think the change came at just the right time.

Also, I appreciate all of your suggestions for finding tacos in the area. I've got my work cut out for me! Keep the ideas coming throughout the year- I'm on a taco hunt.

On to the winner of the restaurant gift certificate giveaway... selected...Renee from @BQRC23! Congratulations, you've won three $25 gift certificates to local, independently-owned restaurants. Email me your contact information to claim your prize, and I'll drop them in the mail. Enjoy your free eats!

Stay tuned for some new posts this week, including my discovery of Good To Go Cafe in the IMG building downtown. Delicious breakfast and lunch spot with really creative food!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I've been backlogged on my blog-reading but wanted to share my congrats on the new design. I love it a lot! It's my goal this year to re-do mine. Now I just need to find the time.

    I love Good To Go Cafe - it's right near where I work. And they make amazing lunches. Can't wait to read your review!

    See you Saturday!
