Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Thai Gourmet

First things first...Thank you to all who entered my IX Center Beer Fest giveaway. I used to select a winner, and it chose...#45- Julie at @Tribechic! Congratulations. Please email me to claim your prize.

My posts will be few and far between these next couple of weeks. By day, I work for a non-profit and a big part of my job is event planning. Well, I am simultaneously working on five major events right now (three taking place in the next four weeks). The largest is next Sunday, so as you can imagine I am running around finishing up the logistical details and pushing my team captains to continue to raise funds for the organization. Lots to do!

I had a work event last night that ran until 8PM, so that left "R" and I scrambling for dinner afterwards (because he's the best and "volunteers" at a lot of my functions since I have no staff). We were in Independence, so I knew exactly where I wanted to go. One of my favorite Thai joints in tucked away in the shopping plaza off of Rockside Road- Thai Gourmet.
Aren't the best "ethnic" restaurants typically some shotty-looking strip mall spot? Love it!

But they have one of my favorite Thai dishes in our area. I love peanut curry, also often called massaman curry (but not here).
Many Thai restaurants locally serve the peanut curry with just sweet potatoes, onions, and carrots. As you can see, Thai Gourmet packs their dish with all kinds of great vegetables. You can select your protein, and I went with shrimp.

It's been a while since we've been in, like probably pre-surgery (the first one, a year and half ago). I love spice and heat, and typically order my Thai dishes as "Thai hot" when dining out. Clearly, my memory had escaped me that Thai Gourmet is not shy with the chili peppers. I think that I may have burned off some of my taste buds. Is it wrong that I was still loving it? I know that's not for everyone, including "R".

For the price, it includes your choice of white or brown rice, and there was plenty for me to take home. Our meal ended with this...
Does that first one even make sense to you?

What's your favorite type of "ethnic" food? I love Thai and Indian, but am always willing to try anything. Where's your favorite strip mall restaurant? They are always so unassuming from the exterior, but you can find some great gems hidden inside.

Thai Gourmet
6901 Rockside Road
Independence, OH 44131


  1. I have often wondered about this place. Going to have to try it sometime.

  2. I love thai food - I don't make it out to Independence too often, but I have yet another excuse!

  3. We eat there a lot because it's such a convenient location for us. Love their veggie coconut soup!

  4. I hear that their Pad Thai is one of the best too!

  5. I've heard great things about Thai Gourmet! D'Agnese's and Mama Roberto's are two of my favorite strip mall restaurants.
