Monday, September 10, 2012

It's Browns Season!

Yesterday brought us the Cleveland Browns home opener.
But, our day started with a tailgate party. It's my favorite part of football season. After yesterday's epic loss in the last few minutes of the game, I was even happier that we had such a successful tailgate party all morning to make up for it.

We typically have around 20 people with us. We were loyal to the Pit, until they got too strict and too pricey last season. So, we found a new home in the Dock 20 lot at the Port Authority this year. It was great being right down by the water on such a gorgeous day, and we had plenty of space to spread out. The day started with appetizers and Jenga.
A new addition to our group this year, and it was thoroughly enjoyed all day--lots of laughs as we battled the build. I think our record was 32 tiers.

Good friends came down.
And then it was time for the main event...the food. "R" spends most of the weekend preparing for this (as you could see from my tweets on Saturday). I hate wasting the entire weekend prepping for tailgating, but Sunday is certainly worth it. The menu for this year's home opener included pulled pork sandwiches (which a friend smoked for 15 hours, yum), cole slaw, and two kinds of mac n' cheese. We had Buffalo Mac with chicken, Frank's red hot, celery, onions, and bleu cheese, and then regular Mac n' Cheese with chicken and a panko crust.
Overall, a successful and fun tailgate, and a great start to the season for us. I just wish that we could say the same about the Browns. Oh well.

Do you tailgate? What's your menu typically look like? I had no idea that tailgating could get as "fancy" as "R" likes to make it. Before meeting him, I just thought of hot dogs and hamburgers and Miller Light. Oh, how wrong I was. Now we're all spoiled.

Tonight brings "R" and I more of the Browns, at the Cleveland Foodbank's annual Taste of the Browns fundraiser. Lots of delicious food from some of our area's best chefs, Browns alumni and current players mingling with the common folk, and great auction prizes. I picked up a dining package in last year's auction with several great gift certificates, so I have my credit card ready for tonight! It all goes to such a worthy cause. For every $1 donated to the Foodbank, they can provide four meals in a local hunger center. Are you attending tonight?

Go Browns!


  1. Ok - this post makes me want to tailgate even more. I've never been if you can even believe it!! You are one lucky lady with that totally cute loves to good man of yours *swoon*

  2. You're welcome at our tailgate anytime!

  3. When we tailgated at Ann Arbor and BGSU sloppy joes and potato chips were always on the menu. The best sloppy joes in my opinion are 1 lb ground beef, 1/2 bottle of Heinz chili sauce and 4 oz of Velveeta melted in. Simple but delicious. Tailgating is tons of fun.

  4. any chance you have a copy of the buffalo mac and cheese? sounds delicious

  5. I do! Here you go:
