Sunday, July 21, 2013

BlogHer 2013

You may have noticed that I added an icon to my blog. I'm headed to BlogHer'13 this week! Not only will it be my first time attending a blogging conference, but it will be my FIRST time in Chicago. I know that all Clevelanders just shook their heads in disbelief. But, I grew up in NY, so our travel cities were Boston, D.C., get the point. I haven't done much traveling in the mid-West. So, I'm beyond pumped for both aspects of the trip.

Any must-try Chicago restaurants? I want some good deep-dish pizza. Danny Boys here in Cleveland just doesn't cut it. Sightseeing stops that we should make a point to visit (we're staying an extra day to explore)? I want to take a picture at "the Bean" like any good tourist.

Have you attended BlogHer or another blogging conference? Any tips? There is certainly a lot of information out there.
So far, the advice themes are:
- wear comfortable shoes
- bring an extra bag for swag
- bring devices and chargers
- take breaks and eat/drink so that you don't run out of energy
- pack business cards
- attend the Voices of the Year session

What else am I missing? Any tips for navigating blogging conferences or being a tourist in Chicago will be appreciated.

Thursday won't come soon enough, I feel! BlogHer'13--- here we come...ready or not.


  1. A blogher newbie myself, I can only offer my knowledge of Chicago, but I've written several posts about tips for visiting Chicago if you want to check out my blog :)

    Don't leave without eating a Portillo's hot dog with everything. YUM.

  2. I'm so excited. We're going to have a blast. I'm thinking we need a road trip playlist. :)

  3. Chrissy- Being a "newbie" is exciting! I hope that you get out of it what you're looking for. Will you be attending the Newbie Breakfast?

    Thanks for suggesting your Chicago posts. I'll check them out.

    - Katrina

  4. Have fun at BlogHer!

    Last time we were in Chicago we ate at Nightwood Restaurant - - it was an amazing meal!
