Friday, January 1, 2016

2016 To Dine Challenge

Happy New Year! I hope that you enjoyed last night's festivities, whatever they may have been.

As most of us ring in the new year, we often think ahead to the year to come. What will it bring us? How will we improve? What new challenges will the year present itself with?

For me, that always means setting the annual To Dine Challenge. Each December, my readers submit restaurant suggestions for the upcoming year. On December 31st, Mr. H and I sit down and narrow down the list to just 10. Then, I challenge myself to dine at each of those 10 restaurants over the next 12 months. I publish this list on January 1st each year, to hold myself accountable, and to encourage you to join me on my dining excursions!

So, here it is...

2016 To Dine Challenge
Banter Beer and Wine
Caribe Bake Shop
Chow Chow
Citizen Pie
Craft Beer Bar
Great Scott Tavern
Koko Bakery
North End Wine Bar
Red Lantern Kitchen & Bar
Taste of Jamaica

What do you think of the list? As always, it was hard to choose. You all come up with some great suggestions each year. I had 39 restaurants to choose from this year. Thank you!

So, who's dining with me at each of these restaurants? Just leave me a comment below. It's always fun to have you come along.

Here's wishing you and yours a Happy New Year, and I hope that 2016 brings you everything that you hope for. This time of year can be exciting, thinking about what lies ahead for us. For me, that means some delicious eats, thanks to you!


  1. We're going to Taste of Jamaica on the 6th if you want to join us.

  2. Jill- Thank you for the invite! We may join you. Still on vacation, but I'll check my calendar. I'm looking forward to trying it.

  3. I want to go to citizen pie with you!

  4. Yay, you chose Taste of Jamaica! We will definitely join you for that. I've still never made it to Koko Bakery and I love our AsiaTown adventures.

  5. Michelle- Done and done! Both should be fun.

    Unknown- Would love to have you join me. But who are you? Haha.
