Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Weekend Bites

This past weekend kicked off the holiday rush and madness for us. On Friday, I got to enjoy a fun night as "auntie" at The Nutcracker with my favorite five year-old. Then I was up bright and early on Saturday morning to volunteer with my Cleveland Bridge Builders classmates as we assembled Blessing Bags for Neighborhood Alliance.
After popping home quickly, Mr. H and I then scooted up to Old Brooklyn Cheese Co. for their 1 Year Anniversary Party. There were all kinds of samples, raffles, and a chance to taste the new cheese collaboration between the shop and Lake Erie Creamery.
Soon after, it was time to slow down and have some "me" time at Spa West. I started a monthly membership with them about 6 months ago, and it's the best $60 a month I spend. Members can pick one service per month, and I'm now a firm believer that carving out that time to relax and recharge each month is very important.
Mr. H and I celebrated 3 years of marriage this past week, and Saturday finally brought our chance to celebrate! More on that coming later this week. Thanks to our wedding florist, Urban Orchid, Mr. H sends me a bouquet reminiscent of my bridal bouquet every year. While still beautiful, I did miss my peonies this year though!
On Sunday, we woke up to an empty refrigerator and a lot of errands to do. So, a stop at Tremont Tap House for brunch seemed like a great start to the busy day. Their Chorizo Burrito has been on the menu for years, and has always been a go-to item for us.
The end of 2017 is in sight, and I couldn't be happier. It hasn't been my favorite year, so I'm ready to put it behind us. Just a few more days to push through, and then it will be Christmas break!


  1. I live so close to Tremont Tap House. How have I never been there for brunch?!

    1. Ah, yes that should change! One of our longtime brunch favorites.
