Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Weekend Bites

Sometimes, you have to literally stop and smell the flowers.
And that's just what I did this past weekend.

I'm in the midst of event season mayhem at work and I'm flying solo on what is typically a three person team, so it would make sense to stress out and only focus on work. But, over the past year, I've been trying to be better about self-care, and the "new" me tries to make realistic choices for work/life balance.

So, instead of managing a huge work event...I headed to NY to be with my family as my dad was the honorary patient speaker at a Relay for Life event. We had a big team, booth full of activities, and raised $9,400 for the American Cancer Society. Thank you to everyone that supported our efforts!
 We did my dad proud, and there was no other place that I'd rather be.
I also made a last-minute decision to take a day off of work and stay in NY on Sunday. That meant some homemade fried chicken from the dynamic duo of Mr. H and my brother.
We threw the pups in the car on Monday morning and headed back to Cleveland, all tired but our hearts and bellies full.
A rest stop farmers market also provided me with my first taste of summer strawberries!
One of my favorite sights on our counter this time of year.

This past weekend was a "stop and smell the flowers" kind of weekend for me, and it was exactly what I needed.

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