Monday, September 23, 2019

Weekend Bites

I've had to work the previous two weekends in September (and another one this weekend, ugh) so I was beeeeeyond ready for this past weekend at home. The calendar got a little full, and I did head into it feeling a little overwhelmed. But, it ended up just perfect! We had a blend of friends, fun, adventure, and good food mixed with sleeping in, being productive around the house, and plenty of pooch snuggles.

It all kicked off on Friday with hosting the monthly ladies Happy Hour for my neighbors at my house. We rotate one Friday every month, the hostess puts out some food and everyone brings a drink to share. I've met some incredible women through this, and fall in love with my neighborhood just a little bit more.

Because I was so busy and on the road leading up to Friday, I decided weeks ago to call in reinforcements. Nobody in this household had time to menu plan, grocery shop, and make my buddy chef Jeff Jarrett to the rescue! And what a spread he brought.
Mr. H and I woke up on Saturday morning and headed towards Akron for an unusual excursion...a ride on the Goodyear Blimp!
He had won the package in a charity auction, and it was finally time to fly. We got to hear and see behind the scenes...
...with views as far as the eye could see.
We were up for about 40 minutes, which was just enough for me. My fear of heights didn't stop me from going, but I wasn't exactly comfortable. It kind of felt like a boat in the air with all the swaying. 

You'll hear more about our Saturday evening later this week, but Sunday brought a lot of chores around the house, a good healthy dinner, and then a late show at The Improv.
While the comedians weren't really my personal taste in humor, Mr. H just loves stand-up and he has been so supportive during this crazy work schedule so I was happy we went. 

I'm back on the road later this week for work, but this past weekend just emphasized how much I crave being at home and enjoying what our city has to offer. October, I see you on the horizon! 

1 comment:

  1. OMG WHAT. I rode on the blimp as a kid & had NO understanding of how cool & unusual an experience it is. I'm so jealous! I wanna do it againnn! THOSE VIEWS! *heart eyes*
