There will be three different sessions:
Friday, May 13th, 7-11PM
Saturday, May 14th, 1-5PM
Saturday, May 14th, 7-11PM
The event features tastings, celebrity appearances, educational programming, exhibitors and vendors, and a Tasting Room where you can sample food and beer and learn about pairings. It really sounds like a lot will be going on.
So, have I wet your whistle yet? Good, because one lucky winner has a chance to attend! The event organizers offered me a media pass to help promote the event and provide event coverage, but they also gave me two general admission tickets to give away on my blog.
Here's what you have to do to win...Simply leave a comment below telling me which beer I should try at the event. You can see what breweries and their products will be there by clicking on the link above. I am more of a wine girl, so I always look for help when selecting brews. Keep in mind that I like them fresh, on the lighter side, and not too hoppy...but I want to hear what YOUR favorite is. I will pull a winner using random.com on Tuesday, May 3rd. Make sure to leave contact information in your comment below so that it's easy for us to connect when you win. Good luck!
I really like Goose Island's 312!
Everything from Hopp'n Frog since it's great stuff and WAY to expensive to buy!
Breckenridge Brewery Vanilla Porter. Yum. I think I'll have one now.
Breckenridge Brewery Vanilla Porter. Yum. I think I'll have one now.
Jay raves about the Left Hand Milk Stout!
Try The Southern Tier 2IPA
Duvel’s Triple Hop definitely
Sounds like we have similar beer tastes...I would recommend the Breckenridge Agave Wheat. Light, kind of sweet, and Belgian-y. A great summer beer!
Timmerman's Lambics - either one of them. The closest to wine you'll ever get in a beer :)
I've been stoked for this event for months. I would love to win tix to go.
If I'm not mistaken you like lighter wheat beers, correct? Abita Purple Haze is a fruit beer but not super sweet. It's just a light, summer-in-a-glass type beer that I think you would enjoy. Plus Deagan's and Winking Lizard have it on their list so it's not hard to find.
I realize that you said that you prefer lighter beers, but I'd recommend trying Fat Head's Voodoo Monkey. My favorite part of these festivals is that I get to try beers that I wouldn't normally pay to taste. Occasionally, I find something that I really enjoy that is totally opposite my norm!
mmmmmm Bison Chocolate Stout or the Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale
I haven't tried many to be able to recommend, but the Anderson Valley Brewing Company Summer Solstice sounds interesting...Herb and Spice beer? Worth a shot!
I want to win!
I'd recommend Goose Island's Sofie to you. Crisp light and a very champagne -like carbonation. Also following on twitter as @jukebox65
I think one of most satisfying taste sensations is Bells Double Creamy Stout.
I like the Magic Hat Wacko or any of the Brew Kettle beers!
Thank you to everyone that commented and suggested beers! I look forward to trying some at the Beer Fest.
Congrats to Stacy for being selected as the winner using random.org!
I want to try Somersault Ale from the New Belgium Brewing Company, so come have one with me. Dan Hacker
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